I am evil – pure evil.
I am proud of my evil nature, proud of the thoughts that make me evil, proud of my evil actions and delighted in my proclivity to choose the darkest path.
Yes, I’m human like the rest of you. Not a devil, demon or wicked beast out of horror fantasies. A real human, mortal, someone you might pass by on the street or sit next to on a plane.
I possess no magical powers or extraordinary ability to control the minds or movements of those around me. Yet, I assure you, I am evil!
Since we as people don’t always see the truth about ourselves, how do I know this?
First, my children, now young adults, have explained it to me. Additionally, my friends, neighbors and acquaintances have seen through my soul. They have admonished and shamed me for my actions, comments, thoughts, and my very existence. Some of them negate me and pretend that I don’t exist. Others threaten me with violence. All of these are the wages of my evil nature.
Now that you know that I am evil, what makes me so?
I have discovered that I was born evil. Born a white male, and unwilling to apologize for it.
I’m a racist because I believe that the United States should have secure borders and a coherent immigration policy. Two hundred years ago, some of my ancestors were slave owners, but I feel no obligation to apologize because I did not know them, nor did I have any control over their actions or beliefs.
I’m stupid and uninformed because I believe that all life is sacred and a gift from God, born and unborn.
I love my country and unabashedly believe that it is the greatest in the world. I refuse to ask for forgiveness for believing in the Constitution of the United States and standing at attention for the American flag and the national anthem.
I believe that my actions have consequences and that I am responsible for my decisions, my activities, and my impact on the world.
I want to pay my fair share of taxes, but I’m better qualified than the government to determine how the bulk of my money is spent.
I’m a potential lunatic and mass murderer because I own guns and believe in a constitutional right to carry them.
I’m someone who should be silenced because of my unreasonable views and my belief in free speech.
In general, at one time, my values were typical American values. Now, they’re “extremist” and “dangerous.” In short, they’re “evil.”
More About Me
I am a retired college administrator. I publish this blog anonymously, not because I’m ashamed of what I say or who I am — but because my wife insists. She is afraid for me and our family. She is afraid of physical violence or harm that might come our way because of my viewpoints, which she largely agrees with. She is afraid of being ostracized by our “friends” and acquaintances. She is afraid of ruining the future careers of our children. She is afraid of many things, all of which come from being known as a conservative.
About ConservativesAreEvil.com
This website was inspired by a quote from the late Dr. Charles Krauthammer:
“To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”
This website and the opinions expressed within are my own work, and are not produced or endorsed by Dr. Krauthammer or anyone associated with him. Unfortunately, Dr. Krauthammer passed away before this site came into existence.
This website is produced by me as an individual. It is not paid for by a big company or corporation.
However, this site uses advertisements through an Amazon affiliate program, and also has a store where you can buy coffee cups, tee-shirts, etc. These are the only sources of income for the website. Please check out these links.
If you agree with my posts, please pass them on to those who might also enjoy them. If you disagree, pass my posts on to someone who will be outraged!
— Mr. Evil