What if Nancy Pelosi finally decides to send articles of impeachment to the Senate, and somehow convinces enough Republican Senators to vote against the President so that he is removed from office. Don’t worry, this isn’t going to happen, but let’s imagine that it might.
The first thing that happens is that President Trump is removed from office and Mike Pence becomes President.
But it doesn’t negate the November Presidential election.
So does it mean that a Democrat will be the next President?
No, it ensures that Donald Trump will be the next President. There’s nowhere in the Constitution that says if you’re impeached and removed from office, you can’t run for President again and be elected. The President is already running for re-election. If he is removed from office via impeachment, voters will rebel against those who abused the Constitution for their own political gain and they will re-elect Donald Trump in a landslide. He will be President again.
If Nancy Pelosi sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate now, the President will be exonerated in short order. She is well aware of this and understands that, no matter what she does, the President will almost certainly be re-elected. So, maybe she will hold on to the articles of impeachment until after the election, hoping that the Democrats might dig up some real dirt between now and then. If so, she is delusional.
The Democrats have far overplayed their hand.
— Mr. Evil