Let’s face it, liberals are good with the use of the English language. The term “pro-choice” is much more palatable than “pro-abortion.” They say “undocumented immigrant” rather than “illegal alien.” And “immigration reform” really means you want open borders.
“Income inequality” means that they want to take my money and give it other people.
The “Green New Deal” means that they want us to become a socialist country and throw out the window every American value we’ve every known.
If you disagree with them on spending hundreds of billions of dollars to slow down climate change, you are a “climate change denier.” “Climate change denier” makes you sound like you must be an absolute moron because you deny what to them is such an obvious scientific truth. Everyone else in the world understands this, so why don’t you, you evil conservative!
All of these euphemisms got me to thinking about all of the obvious truths that liberals deny!
They now want to be known as “progressives” because the term“liberal” has become a bit tarnished over the past several years. However, my suggestion is that we all start referring to them as “reality deniers.”
The reality is that the economy is booming due to favorable taxes, less regulation, and optimistic consumers. Liberals deny it, saying they will improve the economy by raising taxes, raising the minimum wage, and guaranteeing a minimum income, even for those unwilling to work.
The reality is that evil people attacked the United States on 9-11 because they hated the U.S., our beliefs, and all Americans. Liberals deny it saying that 9-11 and similar terrorism are reactions to America’s aggressive and arrogant foreign policy. If America would just leave them alone, they would leave us alone.
The reality is that Hillary, despite her unparalleled skill at wiping servers with a big lint-free cloth, really was a horrible candidate and deserved to lose! Liberals don’t so much deny it. Instead they pretend that she never existed.
I don’t have to create a long list of all the obvious truths that liberals deny because you’re already familiar with them.
But one thing is certain, it’s time to start calling liberals what they are: “Reality Deniers!”
— Mr. Evil