Mr. Evil is on vacation until August. However, he prepared this special Fourth of July post in advance. This is the only new article that will be posted until he returns. Classic articles will appear for your reading enjoyment while he is on vacation. The Declaration of Independence is dated July 4th, 1776. Most people…
The Conservative Vampire — Originally published Feb. 10, 2019
Mr. Evil is on vacation until August. Until he returns, classic articles from the past will be posted for your reading enjoyment. This post is the very first to be published on this blog. Imagine that you know the truth: vampires are real! Just like in the movies, they’re evil, bloodsucking creatures of the…
Even Mr. Evil Takes a Vacation!
What does it mean when Mr. Evil takes a vacation? Does it mean that he departs from his evil ways and starts supporting illegal immigration? Does it mean he temporarily supports AOC’s Green New Deal and sends money to save the polar bears; or that he comes to a profound understanding of Medicare for All…
My Wife’s Calendar
My wife has a Trump calendar, complete with beautifully photographed images of the President and First Lady at the top of each month. I think one of our few trusted conservative friends gave it to her. Whatever the case, my wife pridefully posted it in the kitchen, where it stays on full display — until…
How Can You Make TV Commercials Even Worse? Part 2
In part one of this post, I talk about American television commercials, and how I’m not particularly crazy about them. Sometimes they can be funny, irreverent, dramatic, cute, or artful, but for the most part, I just tune them out because they’re so bad. So, how could you make advertising even worse? Well, the British…
How Can You Make TV Commercials Even Worse?
There’s an old joke: What’s the longest word in the English language? Answer: The one that comes right after the announcer says “…and now a word from our sponsor.” My wife likes TV commercials. I don’t. She will yell out, “come and see this commercial,” actually having rewound and put it on pause so I…
What You Win Prizes for in Europe
Imagine that there’s a major prize given to the person who works hardest to destroy the civilization of an entire continent. You don’t have to imagine it. It’s here! It’s called the Charlemagne Prize, and it’s stated purpose is to recognize distinguished service on behalf of European unification. And that’s what it used to recognize. …
Say “Thank You”
In the unlikely event that you are fortunate enough to know one of the brave soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy seventy-five years ago today, be sure to say “thank you!” The youngest of the men are in their 90’s. There are fewer and fewer of them. I regret that American history is not…
Odds and Ends You Missed in the News
If you’re reading an American newspaper, or watching CNN, MSNBC, or even Fox News, you’re missing news even more important than which mean message one politician tweeted about another. Liberals want to take away our freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. In Europe, they’re far ahead of the United States in taking…
Old Dogs
Nancy Pelosi needs to learn something: You can’t repeatedly stab a man in the back, while accusing him of having a temper tantrum, then turn around, and expect him to welcome you into his home and say, “Let’s be friends and work together.” Since we’re talking about Nancy, maybe I should use the proper term…