Meet the Press used to be an okay political interview program. It’s aired on NBC since 1947 and it’s the longest running show in TV history. Before that, it was on radio for a couple of years on the Mutual Network.
I don’t watch Meet the Press much any more. The reason can be found in it’s current host, Chuck Todd, who is also NBC News’ political director. Looking back at the show’s long and heralded history, Todd is an embarrassment to the program’s journalist heritage. He proved it today when he shamed Christians and Jews who don’t agree with him that the Holy Bible is just a bunch of “fairy tales.”
Todd, trying to explain why so many people support the President, presented a “letter to the editor” published in the Lexington Hearld Leader last January:
“[W]hy do people support Trump? It’s because people have been trained from childhood to believe in fairy tales… This sets their minds up to accept things that make them feel good… The more fairy tales and lies he tells the better they feel… Show me a person who believes in Noah’s ark and I will show you a Trump voter.” — Lexington Herald Leader “Letter to the Editor” as quoted on Fox News.
Todd, speaking with New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet then said:
“This gets at something, Dean, that my executive producer likes to say, ‘Hey, voters want to be lied to sometimes.’ They don’t always love being told hard truths.” — Chuck Todd, Meet the Press
Here’s my analysis: Yes, you’ve been fed fairy tails, but not by the Bible or President Trump. Instead the fairy tails are by the progressive media and liberals who despise traditional values and people who espouse faith, family, honesty, fairness and the Constitution of the United States. For years, Chuck Todd told you the fairy tale of the Steele Dossier and Russian collusion, saying that you should believe because it’s obviously true.
To even suggest that people of faith are clinging to lies to make themselves feel better is utter nonsense by someone who obviously has no understanding of the “real” United States and its genuine and good people. It’s also an insult to all religions. For thousands of years people have read and believed the Bible and used it for inspiration, guidance and truth, just as they do today. For a couple of years, Chuck Todd and many others in the liberal media have spun collusion and treason stories about the President. Which do you think carries more weight, the Gospel according to Todd, or the Holy Bible?
Maybe you believe that Chuck Todd is a modern day prophet. If so, I hope that somewhere along the way you come to your senses. As for me, I’ll stick with the Bible. By the way, next November, I’ll also be with the Noah’s Ark believers voting for Trump.
— Mr. Evil